The Anteater Twirled…

In some ways it seems a bit weird to be beginning a garden diary in January. I know there is all that “new year, new beginnings” stuff to take into consideration but I think that is basically a load of old tosh. New Year’s Eve has, ever since I can remember, been a bit of an anti-climax. True there have been exceptions (the Milennium being the most notable as it was the first time all my children were old enough to stay awake without pinching) but whatever the celebrations it doesn’t get away from the simple fact that January is grey and cold and lethargic. I find it very difficult to get energised and generally feel rather sleepy. So, in order to try and get everything moving again I thought that maybe the time had come for a bit of a blog-fest. I don’t know whether this will work but I can at least try. If nothing else it will give me a chance to pay Jane Owen back for criticising the size of my Christmas card on her blog (which is at

(** Note from the future: in 2010 her blog is no longer there but here. Sadly she is terribly lazy and hardly ever writes anything at all preferring to spend her time hobnobbing with academics and caring for her extensive collection of fur knickers**)

What have I done this week ? apart from assorted drawings I have written a couple of entries for a book called 1001 Gardens You Must See Before You Die which is being edited by Rae Spencer-Jones for publication sometime. I also went to the press launch of the RHS Shows (Chelsea, Hampton Court, Malvern etc) which was kinda interesting. Jolly folk milling around – had a good lunch (eating outside in St James’s park with Stephanie Donaldson). Not enough stuff about the Malvern Spring Show – which promises to be very exciting and interesting. I declare an interest because I am working there for all four days (working=cavorting around the stage having a ball). I will elaborate but feel I have probably written enough for now.

In order to try and lift the spirits here is a very unseasonal photograph of a ginger.