As I was saying…
Monday. I was in London again to go and look at a currently unassuming courtyard at the Chelsea College of Art and Design. I think that a few of us have received the same invitation – I know that Andy Sturgeon was spotted emerging from there on Wednesday. It would be fun to do but would have to be done immaculately and with enormous attention to detail.
I took the opportunity to hop into the Tate Britain to look at the Holbein exhibition. Interestingly the Velasquez was chock full of foreigners (lots of Spaniards which we thought curious as they own most of the paintings anyway) while Holbein was full of very well behaved ladies in sensible outerwear up for the day from the country (rather like myself).
I also looked at the Turner Prize exhibits. I like Turner prize art as a rule (I was captivated by Tracy Emin’s bed a few years ago) but found that this year’s lot rather depressed me. The paintings of Tomma Abts were undoubtedly beautiful in a rather wispy haired kind of a way. Phil Collins’ stuff was annoying – unlike his film of Palestinians dancing which is just a few rooms up the corridor and is brim full of joy and humour. Mark Titchener and Rebecca Warren left me a bit cold.

On Tuesday I wrote an article about Mediterranean gardens for a magazine called Source – which is distributed by John Lewis,I think.
On Wednesday school carol services began.
Thursday was interesting enough to be written about in a separate entry, I think.
I am listening to Radio 4 and the picture is of sunrise on the Queen Elizabeth Bridge at Dartford.